Mario Villalobos

Web Development

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This might sound lame to some, but I’m super proud of this: I figured out how to display my photos on my Photos page as a single column on mobile. It readjusts to three columns when in landscape, too.

I’m having a blast.

Edit: I broke it, but then I fixed it. I need a break.

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I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time the last few days learning all I can about web design. From typography and CSS grids, to how Hugo works and how best to use it, I’ve fallen in love with the whole process. I like the idea of openly designing the whole thing, so here we are.

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I spent more time today tweaking my website. I updated my home page with a brief biography and I love it. The next things on my todo list are to:

  • Update the colors
  • Use new fonts
  • Revise my bio with a bit more information

I’m really enjoying this corner of the web.

  • Notes

I spent some time tweaking a few aspects of my website that make me love my blog that much more. I wish I knew more about CSS and whatnot, but I’m happy with the result as of today.

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