Mario Villalobos


Two vegan sloppy joe burgers on a plate, the lentil tomato mixture oozing onto the plate


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Sloppy joes for dinner tonight.

There aren’t enough wildland firefighters and the Miller Peak Fire has grown to over 1,900 acres, something I knew would happen a few days ago. That temptation to un-retire from firefighting is growing stronger and stronger… but wildland firefighting is its own kind of commitment that I don’t think I can afford to make anymore. I do miss it, though.

I subscribed to The Athletic yesterday, and I’ve been very impressed and engrossed with the new season of Hard Knocks: Offseason with the New York Giants. Seeing the behind the scenes at roster construction is interesting as hell. I stopped watching the NFL years ago (around the time the Chargers defected from San Diego to Los Angeles), but I’m considering jumping back into it this year.

Also, I’ve never coached anything in my life, but I am thinking about popping that cherry sometime during this upcoming school year. I love sports, and I love kids, so it only makes sense, right?

A planter sitting on a windowsill facing a window and a bunch of marigolds blooming

My Marigolds

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My marigolds first began to bloom a few months ago, and since then, they have brought me nothing but joy. They just recently began to bloom some more, and each time I draw open my curtains in the morning, they are the first thing I see, and oh man, I just love seeing them.

Last fall, at the beginning of the school year, our second grade class planted marigolds and the week before the holiday break, they began to hand them out to the staff. They planted them in milk cartons they cut out and painted themselves, and the marigolds were little shoots when they gave me mine.

I’ve never been a plant person, and I really had no idea what to do, other than water them and make sure they get enough sun. However, it was the middle of winter when I received them, so I was very worried they would die quickly. To my surprise, they are still alive, and I think now they’re flourishing, and that’s so much fun to see.

I may have not been a plant person before, but I think I am one now. What else should I plant?

a collection of various cleaning supplies on a kitchen sink

Sunday Reset

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Sundays have quickly become one of my favorite days of the week because it is the one day of the week where I stay in and clean my home. Cleaning makes me appreciate all that I own, and coming home from a long day at work to a place that looks good, that smells good, that feels good, centers me and helps me feel good. I have never been one of those people that cleans regularly, but ever since I picked up this habit a few months ago, I’ve realized how much I don’t want to go back to who I used to be and how I used to live. It has also helped me live more intentionally, to own only what is truly necessary to me and my own happiness, and to not allow things into my life that don’t bring me joy. My Sunday resets are meditative and oh so necessary to my well-being. I love them.


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A golden marigold's bloom that is a few days old
Another angle of my golden marigold

My marigolds have begun to bloom.

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