Mario Villalobos


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A team of middle school football boys in full uniform and pads getting ready for a game under a cloudy Montana sky

Our second game went really well. Many improvements over last week, many things still to work on. I love seeing the progress our boys are making.

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Game 2 of my first year coaching football season begins later this afternoon, and I am less nervous than I was last week. We had a good week of practice and now it’s time to see what worked and what didn’t work. Let’s go.

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Football field on a nice Saturday afternoon
Vikings football team on the football field with a coach instructing them
Football field lit up by field lights on a Saturday night with the caption 'Time to go home'

First game is in the books. Lots of lessons, lots of memories.

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My first football game is in a few hours, and I am nervous. Should be fun, though!

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I’m only a few practices in, but I love coaching. This is going to be a really fun season.

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