Mario Villalobos

50 Days and 29,000+ Words Later...

I feel like things are just getting started. Like I’m waking up from a nightmare, and I’m ready to start my day. 50 days ago I decided to stop going down a path I hated and down another one I knew held more promise. 50 days is a nice round number, but when I consider the fact that my sights are set on 365, 50 looks and seems small. Tiny, in fact. And that’s a good thing.

There’s still more work to be done, more things I want to do, and more problems to overcome. In a few days I’m going to complete the 30 day Insanity: the Asylum program. This will be the second time I’ve completed it, so I don’t consider this a great achievement. I do consider it a small stepping stone toward my real goal: 120 more days of Insanity, maybe more. The next 30 days will be the Insanity/Insanity: the Asylum hybrid workout. The 30 days after that will be the Insanity: the Asylum, Volume 2 workout program, and then after that, for 60 days, will be Shaun T’s new Insanity program, Insanity MAX 30. I still need to purchase the last two workouts, but if you’ve been reading my entries for the past week, then you know that purchasing these programs are a form of retail therapy. In fact, they’ll be more than that: they’ll contribute toward actual therapy, since working out is the best form of it.

50 days ago I also decided to start writing my novel again. I’ve written 300 words each day for the past 50, and I’m now at 15,159 words. I wish I could write more than 300 words, but I can’t devote more time than I already have to writing since I have work, and my evenings and nights are so packed already with activities that try to improve myself. And those 300 words every morning don’t come easy. But! I did receive my new Confidant notebook from Barong Fig today, and it’s really pretty. I can’t wait to use it.

On Day 30, I gave myself 3 goals to focus on for the following 30 days. What’s the status on those? Very minimal progress has been made since then. I have been reading every day, but I don’t think I’ve read more than I wanted to. My fat calipers still have not been shipped from Amazon, even though I purchased them a week ago. And for beginning the framework toward a personal philosophy? I haven’t the slightest idea where to start. I have a new blank notebook to regurgitate some ideas, but will I actually do that? I don’t know. I have 10 days to figure that out. The first two goals are “easier” to fix, in a way. Instead of focusing on one book every day until I finish it, I think I’m going to mix it up every day. If I feel like reading fiction one day, I will. If I feel like reading about computers and system administration, I will. No barriers. Once I get my fat calipers, I can really focus on my weight gain, and know how much of it is muscle and how much is fat. Last time I checked my body fat percentage I was at around 10.3%. I’ll see if I’m anywhere near that soon.

What will my next 50 days look like? I don’t know. But if they’re anything like my past 50, I’ll be happy. I know I can do better, though. For the past 50 days, I’ve written over 29,000 words toward wanting something changed in my life. Through those 29,000 words, I think I created a design to follow through to the next 315 days. That’s exciting. Finally, I can look up at the sky and see my lodestar, giving me a path to navigate toward. There will be a whole panoply of emotions waiting for me, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Retail Therapy

Part of me is afraid that I’m shopping to compensate for the void left when she left. Part of me expects to see her again, which explains why I want to crowd my little life with things. Nice things and very useful things, yet things nonetheless. It’s been 50 days since I’ve last communicated with her, and I never thought I’d make it this far. Here I am, though.

It’s not all about her, though. It never was, really. I’m happy with my purchases. I know they’ll be used on a daily basis, and that’s money well spent, I think. Most of the stuff I’ve bought won’t come for at least another week, maybe sooner, but that’s fine. My bag came yesterday, and that’s kept me super happy today. I took her with me when I did laundry, and she’s so damn awesome and convenient and drool-worthy. I’ve never had this sort of attraction for a bag before, but I guess there’s first times for everything.

One of my flaws here is that I hope to see her again. I feel there’s still hope with us, that we can still be friends somehow, and I’m clinging to that so strongly that it’s blinding me from the truth. The truth is that we’re over, have been over for a long time, and there’s no turning back. I don’t know how to make myself believe that, though. How can I make myself believe there’s no shred of hope left?

I want to find someone else, and that thought has stayed in my mind while I’ve been buying things for my home. I’m eventually going to bring a girl over, and I want my place to impress her. That’s perfectly human. I’ve been sweating as many of the details as possible, been making mental lists of all the little things I want to get or do to make my place really my own. This is the first time in my life I’ve ever had a place of my own, and I’ve been living here for 22 months with very little to show for it. It’s time to change that.

For the longest time I thought I wasn’t going to stay here in Montana for long. I embraced Minimalism because I didn’t want to weigh myself down with stuff just in case I needed to fly back to California. I wanted to know how to live with less, and I did. However, I have a great job, a great car, a great place, and a great summer gig fighting fires. I’ve settled down and grown roots here. It’s time to think about my long-term happiness, and that does involve stuff.

My first phase of purchases focused on my desk area and a few lifestyle things. I bought those posters from Ugmonk this morning I linked to yesterday. I will form a sort of tryptic with two of them and my Holstee manifesto poster. This will be my wall of inspiration I will always see first thing in the morning when I write, and later in the evening when I’m working out. My MacBook Air will be propped up with the mStand, promoting better posture and ergonomics. My new Apple keyboard and Magic Pad will complement and help. I bought my bag to contain everything I need when I need to go out, but I still needed a way to carry my credit cards and ID, so I bought a new wallet. It’s a slim wallet from Bellroy. It’ll come with the rest of my stuff. I bought a 32 GB USB flashdrive that fits great in my keychain, and that’ll help me troubleshoot computers at work since I’ll load it up with the Sysinternals suite. I can finally check my body fat percentage with my new pair of fat calipers, and once my new Cocoon GRID-IT! arrives, I’ll be able to organize my second Magsafe power adapter and lightning cable for when I need them at work. I can finally keep my current adapter off the floor and in my little Ikea basket nailed underneath my desk to keep my cords at bay. Lastly, my new FM tuner will treat me well during my commute to work because I can finally listen to more podcasts instead of the same five songs on the radio.

I’m not sure how many phases I’ll need to complete my home, but I have a few ideas for my second phase. I’m in no rush for that yet, especially since I want to wait and not make any rash decisions. Most of the stuff I bought in the first phase have been on my mind for months, maybe even years, so I knew what I was getting when I bought them. This whole project will take me a few months, even though I cringe at that thought since I want her to enter my life before then, and I want to be done with this.

I need to stop that. I need to slow down, forget about her, and focus on myself. I’m still unhappy sometimes and a big reason why is her. If my happiness toward a single bag is any indication, retail therapy is maybe what I needed.

Details Are Everything

My new messenger bag from Ugmonk came today, and it’s beautiful.

I’ve never owned anything like this before. The quality is just higher than I’m used to. The leather, although super beautiful, is tough. Like, tougher than I imagined it’ll be. I knew that the description said the leather will take a while to conform to how I use it, but I didn’t realize what that meant until I felt it. This is some tough material. Even the straps are tough, and I had trouble pushing the straps into the little nibs to hold everything closed. I even broke off one of the nibs, but I quickly fixed it with some super glue.

I eventually figured out how to unclasp the straps when I needed it to, and I can only imagine the whole process getting easier once the leather straps conform to how I use them.

The inside is the real story, though. I can fit everything I need for work and then some. There are four main compartments, one on the front, big enough for my iPad, one on the back, big enough to carry a large Moleskine notebook, my paperback copy of the Great Gatsby, and my Kindle Paperwhite with the leather cover. Inside, there’s a compartment designed specifically for laptops, which is where my MacBook Air fits into perfectly. And then there’s the big pocket that will eventually contain my new Cocoon GRID-IT! that should come in the next week or so. When this comes, I will use it to organize my Apple SuperDrive, my MagSafe power adapter, my two pairs of Apple EarBuds, some AAA batteries, a stack of index cards, a lightning cable with power adapter, and the USB charger dongle for my adonit stylus. On the inside of the bag, there are even more pockets. I can fit another large Moleskine notebook (but that’s where my new Baron Fig notebook will go into once it comes), another pocket big enough to contain 3 Field Notes notebooks and 3 Moleskine cahier journals. There are two pockets for pens, and yet two bigger pockets on the ends, that I’m using to house 10 pens, a mechanical pencil, two highlighters, and a sharpie. Phew. And there’s still room to spare. The bag is so unbelievably light that it doesn’t feel like I’m carrying anything at all. I can’t wait to take this to work and put her to good use.

Wow, this entry turned into a whole review of a bag. That’s kind of awesome, actually. Anything else happen today? My Doxie scanner broke a few days ago, which is sad. I may be able to get it replaced, once the customer service reps get back to me. In the meantime, I bought the Scanbot app from the App Store, and holy shit, this app made me actually consider not even bothering with replacing my Doxie scanner yet. It scans beautifully. I can create a default naming convention for each scan, which I did, then it can OCR the documents, and finally upload them all to a specific folder in my Dropbox. The whole workflow was smooth, frictionless, and amazing. I don’t get that much paper in my life anymore, so if I don’t get a replacement Doxie from the company, I may just scan everything with my phone. The iPhone 6’s camera is that good.

I also cleared my desk. All it has now is just my iPad, my iPhone, and my CamelBak water bottle. Before it had like seven pocket Moleskine notebooks, a bunch of books, a folder with my handwritten novel in it, the two larger Moleskine notebooks, and a couple of random pocket sized Moleskine’s. Next week, I should be getting the mStand for my MacBook, Apple’s wireless keyboard, and Magic Trackpad. My desk will look nice and proper like, finally. I’m also considering buying a few more posters from Ugmonk to complete the scene. It’s going to be awesome.

Why does it look like I have fewer things but I’m spending all this money? Because I’m buying not only quality items, but I’m focusing on the details, and the details are everything.


Yeah, I’m ready.

I’m ready to change.

Is that right?

No, more like, I’m ready to let go and just live the way I want to live.

And how’s that?

I’m ready to let go and just experiment.

That sounds expensive.

For some things, sure. I’m not going to do it all at once, but looking back at my expenses a year or two from now, I’ll definitely be wondering why I spent all that money. But now? Now I want to have fun.

What the hell are you talking about?

I don’t know, honestly. I have this surge of energy coursing through my body right now. I had a great day today. Work was fantastic, and I learned a lot about a few things that have been bothering me for a few weeks. All I needed to do was just start on this project, and I quickly discovered that there was nothing to worry about.

Are you intentionally being vague?

It’s about iPads. No big deal.

If you say so.

My messenger bag should be coming tomorrow, and you have no idea how excited I am about that. I’m thinking about getting an orange sweater. I don’t think I’ve ever owned orange anything in my life. Actually, that brings me to a topic I wanted to write about, but I guess I can write about it now.

Way to blow your load.



I wanted to write about colors. Last year, when I bought my iPad, I bought a black smart cover for it. A few weeks ago, I decided to change that up by buying a green cover for it. For my new iPhone, I bought the blue silicone cover for it. At work, I’ve been using my iPad a lot for reading research articles and whatnot. I would lay the iPad down flat, the green cover spread out on the desk beside the iPad instead of underneath it. I would then put the blue iPhone over the green cover, and that colorful playfulness awakened something inside of me.

Did it now…

Yes. I’ve been too boring for too long. I want colors in my life. I want playfulness and joy and excitement.

And you think colors will help you achieve all that?

It won’t hurt, and if it brings a smile to my face, then it’s super worth it. I’m tired of intentionally gravitating toward muted colors — blacks, grays, browns, etc. — for everything I own. I thought it’ll look classy, simple, and even stylish. But instead everything looks the same, and it bores me sometimes. My place bores me. Today I wore my Green Lantern shirt, which, obviously, was green and bright, and I loved it.

So… colors?

Yes! Colors!

You know you’re weird right?

Yes! But who cares. Just wait and see. Let me figure this out and let me design my life the way I want to, without barriers or discrimination. Everything and anything is possible. And that’s exciting!




Reflection, true, personal, and daily reflection, is tough. It involves looking inward at a remarkable depth, examining every fiber of my soul, every act, every thought, and every moment of my day. I try my hardest to be as honest and true to myself as possible, regardless if it makes me feel happy or sad, angry or pleased. I don’t know if I always succeed, but I’m sure I don’t. All I know is that I have to reflect on my day every day or else I risk living my life blindfolded. I want to see the world, both the good and the bad. That’s the only way I know how to truly live.

I miss my friend. She was on my mind a lot today because I saw her picture tacked to the wall of one of her former teacher’s classrooms. I asked the teacher if she knew her, and she said she loves her. That she’s awesome and a great girl. I told her that she was one of the first friends I ever made when I moved up here to Montana, which is true. What I didn’t tell her was that we were no longer friends, that she cut me out of her life a few months ago, and that I started this blog 46 days ago because I wanted to move on from her. I wanted so much today to talk to her, but I didn’t because I can’t. If she went so far as blocking me from her phone and from her Facebook, then I need to understand that she doesn’t want me to contact her in any way. It hurts, but it’s the truth.

I know days like this will pass, and I’ll continue on with the daily struggles and vagaries of life. That’s what’s exciting about living: every day is different, every moment is new, and every possibility is endless. I have to keep looking ahead at a future I can create and shape into whatever design I wish. Sadly, I expect to see her again. I believe this separation is temporary, and one day in the future, we will meet again. The sad truth is that I can make this a reality by forcing it to come true. I know I can’t do that, though. I know I can’t. That’s the wrong move to make, and it’ll destroy me if it goes even worse than what it is now.

All I know is that there’s a lot of women out there for me. I can’t keep dwelling on everything that happened between this girl and me, nor can I keep living in a future I wanted to create with her because it doesn’t exist. All I have to do is take that first step toward a better future. All i have to do is just start.

Letting Go of Minimalism

I have this idea about letting go, but all my emotions and thoughts surrounding it are fuzzy. The way it started was that I discovered the Confidant hardcover notebook by Baron Fig. They have these videos from creatives and working people about how and why they use notebooks. Watching these videos just solidified something inside of me, and to better explain it, I have to delve deeper into something else.

Minimalism has constricted my life, and I didn’t even know it did until just recently. Simplifying my life excites me, and ever since I started living on my own a few years ago, simplifying was all I ever thought about. I wanted to know how to live more with less. I transitioned to keeping most all of my notes in text files because they were simple, future-proof, and highly transportable. That led me to learn Markdown, which is what I use to write the entries on my blog. It helps me keep some rich-text formatting while still using simple plain text. This is important to me because I am a writer, and the less friction there is between me and writing the better and happier I am.

Simplifying also meant getting rid of everything I didn’t actively use. Years ago I decided to go paperless. Over the course of a few years, I scanned thousands of pages into my computer, and they’re all saved and backed up on Dropbox. During the process of scanning all my papers into my computer, I decided to get rid of paper altogether. I threw all my non-Moleskine notebooks away. I bought an iPad last year, and one of the big reasons why was to use it for notes if I ever felt the need to. I haven’t, really, used the iPad for that. I prevented myself from using paper notebooks because I didn’t want the extra weight in my life, both physically and mentally. I felt bad whenever I added something new to my life because I felt like what I had not only was enough, but also more than enough. I wanted to reduce my possessions, not improve the quality of my possessions.

Which brings me back to the Confidant notebook. I purchased one today, and it should come within the next week or so. I still have one pocket Moleskine notebook I have not filled out because it used to be my journal, but this blog replaced that. I have two large Moleskine notebooks. I’m using one of them to transcribe the Great Gatsby, a project I started last year but have put on hold recently. The second notebook is completely blank, and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet. So why did I buy another notebook? It wasn’t really the notebook itself, although it is very beautiful and something I want to use. It’s because I want to let go of this idea that I can’t flow with things that I decide to enter my life.

Recently, I spent a lot of money on things. I bought a new bag, and as you can see, it’s not only beautiful but pricey. I bought stuff for my desk, for my car, and for other parts of my life I felt needed something to improve the quality of it. Even though there’s a total of eleven new things entering my life in the coming weeks, minimalism has taught me to use everything I own, and there won’t be any exceptions here.

Just because I can reduce my life to the bare essentials — food, clothes, shelter, and warmth — doesn’t mean I should. I want a quality of life that helps me be happy, healthy, and creative. Do I think this notebook will bring me that? Hell no. I’m not even sure if I’m going to use it as regularly as I wish I would1, but I wouldn’t know if I didn’t let go of a burden I didn’t even know was a burden.

  1. I want to use it for two things, mainly: to help me organize and plan out ideas I have for work. I want to map out the entire network structure of the school, and the best way to do that, I think, is with simple pen and paper. I also want to, again, let go of whatever is holding me back to just vomit all the ideas I have for my novel into a notebook. I want to just sketch notes and ideas I have and not feel burdened that I have to use it for my novel, or fear that I’m losing some sort of connection to “my muse” that only exists when I’m writing without a clear guide, like I am now. I want to outline and delve deeper into my characters with sketches and notes. Everything a notebook is perfect for, but I’ve never really used in my workflows. ↩︎

Get Some Sleep

I woke up at 2 am to my upstairs neighbors fighting, and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I opened up the YouTube app on my iPhone and searched to see if there were any Doug episodes since I didn’t like lying in bed knowing I couldn’t sleep. And there was! I watched one, Doug’s in the Money, and I wanted to cry after because I missed this show. It’s been over a decade since I last watched an episode of Doug, and it seems like I learned a lot about life from that show. I feel kind of ridiculous after writing that, but there’s a truth there that I really believe in.

Work was hectic. The server crashed on Friday, and that’s just been causing me so many issues. Since I only slept for four hours, I was cranky all day and didn’t want to do anything. Every little issue that popped up because of this server hit me personally, and even though I kept my stoic appearance in check (haha), I was irritated inside. Why wouldn’t anything work? Why wasn’t any of this easier? Why did my predecessors not do things better?

Needless to say, I struggled to do much of anything today, but alas, I did. I worked out, finishing Day 21 of the Asylum program. Tomorrow is Rest Day, which makes me feel amazing. I started to read a bit from my book, but I felt so tired that I didn’t get past a few pages. I’m giving myself a pass on this tonight. But just tonight. I wrote my daily words this morning, and I meditated. Again, those are my big rocks, and I barely did them all.

I wonder how all this will look like a few months from now. Will my big rocks now still be my big rocks then? I think they will. I’m curious to see what else I can fit into my days. I wonder what else I can do to help me improve in a tangible way. Any brave readers out there care to offer some suggestions?

This entry feels different. I’m pretty sure no one’s going to read this for a few days, if ever, and I’m okay with that. Some days aren’t awesome, and today wasn’t one of those days. I’ve been meaning to go back and tag all my entries with tags that described my moods. Sad, happy, excited, melancholy, stuff like that. I want to see what tags pop up the most, and maybe that can give me a clearer picture on how my mood affects my journey. It’s an intriguing thought experiment that I want to follow up on.

And for my last sentence all I have to offer is this: sleep is important, so get as much of it as possible.


I seem to have had a knack for breaking things recently. Yesterday I dropped by blender on the floor, and when I picked it up, I heard something rattling inside of it. Because I’m stupid, I plugged it in and started it up. I could smell smoke immediately. I’m pretty sure it’s dead, but I haven’t opened it up to double check. Today while I was doing the very last move in the Vertical Plyo workout, I decided to push myself and instead of only jumping laterally three-ladder lengths — my limit since I started this workout last year — I decided to jump the whole length of the ladder. I slipped and slid right into my closet door, unhooking it from its hinges. I tried to put it back together but I couldn’t do it on my own. I texted my landlord for help, and I think he’s coming over tomorrow to check it out.

I guess it’s fitting that I’m breaking things since today I spent a considerable amount of money buying new things. Some of the things I’m getting will replace some things I already own, but most of the things are new additions to my life. I believe they’ll make my life a bit more pleasant, especially while I’m at home, but that could just be me justifying these purchases. I tend to do that a lot. Amazingly, these purchases cover a tiny bit of all the new things I want to get. Most of the stuff I want to buy will replace things I already own (like that blender), and others will just make my home feel a bit more homey. I like being a minimalist, but I don’t like feeling constricted, which is what it’s doing. A good rug costs a couple hundred bucks, but it’ll make a huge difference to the feel of my home. You know, stuff like that.

Since about Day 3, I’ve been crossposting these entries on both Twitter and Facebook. I’ve been thinking of ending that on Day 50 because round numbers, but I’m going to stop doing that with this entry. 99% of my traffic comes from Facebook, so this’ll mean most nobody will read my blog unless they remember to visit manually. Why am I doing this? I’m tired of being obsessed with the metrics of this site. That’s not why I started this. I’m tired of feeling a little hurt if one entry didn’t get as many Facebook likes as I would’ve liked. I’ve had a link to an RSS feed for this site on the navigation bar since pretty much the beginning, and that’s the best way for people to get my stuff. And also, it feels like I’m writing to an audience and not for myself. That’s where I think I’m better as a writer. Maybe that’s why I like writing novels more than screenplays.

We all need to reboot our lives sometimes.


I have doubts about, frankly, everything. I don’t know if what I’m doing is the right thing I should be doing. I don’t know if I should write about things so personal to me on a blog. I don’t know if I should keep posting my entries on Facebook and Twitter. I don’t know if my novel is any good. I don’t know if I’m capable of doing a good job at my job. I don’t know if I can truly be honest with myself, let alone with anyone else. Everything I want to do is difficult and requires time that has recently felt like it’s been slipping through my fingers.

I want to be better, but I don’t know how to get there. I’m on this journey, but I don’t know where it leads or what awaits me tomorrow, next week, or next year. I finished Day 19 of the Asylum workout, and I’ve never expelled so much sweat in my life. I love pushing myself, but I have doubts it’s actually doing me any good. I know I can’t sustain the intensity of these workouts for long, and eventually I’m going to have to find something else to do to keep healthy. I’ll be lost like I’ve been so many times before, and I don’t know if I’m capable of finding my way on my own.

Recently I’ve been obsessed about buying things. From a wallet to computer peripherals to clothes to gadgets for my car. I really don’t need anything, but I want them because part of me feels like I’ll look more interesting with them in my life. Of course, all these things I want to buy will be used daily, so they have their practical utility, but I’ve lived this long without them, and I’m relatively happy. I don’t think these things will make me any happier, but I don’t think it’ll make me any sadder, either. Again, I have doubts, but knowing me, I’m sure I’m going to spend the money and buy these things.

We all have doubts, right? How do other people deal with them? I believe that everything happens for a reason. I don’t believe that getting rid of doubt will make me any better. I believe the opposite, actually. I believe every emotion I’ve ever felt is important and essential for me to have while I’m on this journey toward self-improvement, including doubt. Doubt, I think, is my mind’s way of telling me to slow down and think some things through. I feel like I’ve been going full speed for the past 42 days that I haven’t stopped to just think about what I’m doing.

I’m a man of routine. I’ve said that so many times before, and I think that’s a big reason why it feels like time is slipping through my fingers. I don’t stop and just think about what it is I’m doing. No matter how hard I try to move away from all the flaws that prompted me to start this blog in the first place, I find myself easily falling back into those same self-destructive rhythms without question and not finding anything wrong with it.

I mentioned in my very first entry here that this year I became someone I didn’t like. That there was always the possibility that I didn’t become this person but have always been this person. I’m finding the latter to be so much truer than the former.

Is there a point to all this? Am I destined to always be this man I constantly seem to try and run away from? Or do I actually have a chance to improve? I hope for the latter, but I have my doubts.

Damn I Look Good, A.k.a the Mirror

I woke up this morning later than usual. Since getting my new job a few weeks ago, I changed my phone’s alarm to only go off at 5 am on weekdays. Therefore, I slept in today, and I allowed myself to sleep in today.

Allowed? You allowed yourself to sleep in today? Who allows themselves to sleep in?

I do, voice in my head. After today, though, I’m questioning this decision.

So you’re questioning yourself now?

I am. It’s called experimentation. I’m a man of routine. I wake up every morning at 5 am, make some coffee, and start writing. Then I make breakfast, meditate, study some flashcards in Anki, and then go to work. During weekends, the only thing that changes is that I don’t have to go to work.


I’ve developed this rhythm. Each action flows into the others, and I create this harmony to my days that makes whatever it is I’m trying to do easier to do. If not easier, more pleasurable to do. Then usually after work, I start working out.

No you don’t.

Okay, fine, I go to bed and start watching some television while also gorging my mouth with some food.

That’s better.

Then I start to work out. After I finish, I make my protein shake, drink that, then I take a shower, change, and then start dinner. By this time it’s around 7 or 8 pm. I clean up, brush and floss my teeth, go to bed, and start reading for about 30 minutes. Then I play some music and think about what I’m going to write on my blog. Once I write it — either in Scrivener or Byword — I check the Markdown in Marked 2, re-read the entry a few times, correcting any typos, and then I post it. I also save it in Day One because I do consider these entries personal enough to include in my journal. Then I go to sleep.

That sounds like a very boring life. You need to go out, meet a girl, have some fun.

I know you’re right, except that I am having fun. I’m improving myself every day, even though I have this pretty standard daily routine, and seeing the improvements feel awesome.

Is that where the title of this entry comes in?

That’s right, voice in my head. I like looking at myself in the mirror before, during, and after every workout. Sometimes I don’t like what I see, but I like doing it anyway. Years ago, when I weighed over 230 lbs, I took pictures of myself without my shirt on. Compared to how I look today, it looked like I wore some sort of fat suit back then. I look nothing like I did back then.

You’ve kicked my ass many, many times.

Yes, I have, but you still won’t shut up sometimes.

And I never will. You best recognize.

Yeah, yeah. Anyways, the mirror doesn’t lie. It reflects everything that’s put in front of it with zero distortion. My scale has told me I’m 10 lbs heavier than I was a few months ago, and I can see a few places where those places could be. Some of it is fat, but a lot of it is muscle.

But some of it is not.

I know. I don’t look like I wish I do, and I know how vain and petty that may sound.

And very shallow. Are you really doing this just to look good in front of a mirror?

No, not really, but it is a contributing factor. My dad died young because he didn’t take care of himself. He struggled with diabetes for most of the time I knew him, and I used to be haunted by all the images of him in the hospital, tubes coming out of everywhere, his body unaware of anyone’s presence, including my own. I don’t want to end up like him. I want to be healthy. I want to live a long life. And I want to look good. I used to joke with a friend in college that I wanted to look like a Greek god, my body sculpted to perfection. Funny thing is, I used to believe back then that I could look like that, if only I worked hard enough.

You haven’t.

No, not yet, voice in my head. But I know I can. If only I work hard enough I can accomplish anything.

That’s what they all say. Truth is, not many people like working. They love daydreaming more. They love thinking that one day everything will turn out great for them. They’ll be rich, they’ll look great naked, and they’ll be with someone hot and accepting. They believe they deserve a fantastic future, but no one realizes how much work is required to get that.

It’ll help if you were more supportive.

You do not need me to be more supportive. Hell, you need me to be an asshole residing in your head because if I wasn’t, you wouldn’t do anything. You would be content with mediocrity and bullshit. You need me to discipline you, to keep pushing you to be better because nobody else will, human.

So you’re saying I should thank you for everything?

Not in so many words.

Even though we have our differences, I do appreciate everything you’ve done for me. If you had your way, I would probably weigh over 300 lbs, still be living with my mom, have no job, and have nothing worth being proud about. Hell, I might even be dead.

You’re very welcome. Step in front of the mirror.


Just do it.

Okay. Wow. Damn I look good.

Yeah you do, you sexy beast.

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