Mario Villalobos

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I wish I was there in person to watch Joe Biden get sworn in as our 46th president of the United States and Kamala Harris as our first woman vice president, but I am so grateful nonetheless. Let’s go, America!

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A photo of the big dipper I took with my iPhone. My iPhone. This was my first attempt at astrophotography, and I’m really happy with how it came out. It was freezing out, though, so I didn’t take more. It made the whole world sparkle like diamonds this morning, though.

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Another recommendation today. The final season of Attack on Titan is incredible. From the opening and ending songs to the relentless pace and darkness I so love from the series, I’m in awe. Episode 6 aired today and holy sh—.

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Finished Normal People by Sally Rooney, and I’m really not one for reviews, but my god, what a well-written and unbelievably beautiful book. It’s one of those rare books that filled me with so much inspiration with each page I read. Highly recommended.

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A sketch I did a few years ago. I want to start drawing again, but I keep finding excuses not to. I stopped because I had plateaued and I grew frustrated with each new sketch. Unlike with writing, I always asked myself what to draw, and I just didn’t know. Just draw, I guess.

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Like McCarthy, Rooney doesn’t use quotation marks for dialogue. I like that. Simplify the English language to just periods, commas, and question marks, and maybe an exclamation point here and there.

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My daily routine, as of today, so I can remember it later:

  • Wake at 5am
  • Meditate for 15 minutes
  • Journal in my notebook
  • Study Japanese
  • Practice my guitar for 30 minutes
  • Read my book
  • Lunch, the first meal of my day
  • Go through Genki I and add what I can into Anki
  • Workout and close my rings
  • Dinner, the second and last meal of the day
  • Sleep for 8-9 hours
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Books and music. What else do I need?

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My favorite 1st grader ran up to me and gave me a hug. She wore a black jacket, and she placed her arm beside mine and said, “We’re wearing the same color.”

I looked at her and said, “Black is cool.”

“Yeah,” she said. “Black is my second favorite color.”

“What’s your first favorite?”


“Your favorite colors are black and white?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Those are my dad’s favorite colors.”

I looked at her and just smiled because I couldn’t help it.

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Woke up early to run some errands and was awarded with a beautiful sunrise. I used Apple ProRAW and my god, what an incredible tool to have when I’m out and about with just my iPhone. I was able to bring out the pinks and the shadows in a way I couldn’t before.

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