Mario Villalobos

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Summer of 2015. We were staged in a valley a few miles from the fire while we watched the lightning storm roll in and light up the sky. Many fires are started by lightning strikes, and this one was no different. It doesn’t take much to burn thousands of acres.

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Whenever one of our teachers misbehave, we dump a bucket of ice cold water on them. This is normal life in Montana.

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I hope to keep posting my love of leaves without shame in the years to come.

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I’ve been vegan going on five years now, but the one exception I make is sushi. There’s something about raw fish that gets me going, you know? To satisfy some of the cravings I get from it, I learned to make vegan sushi, and it’s really hard yet really fun to make.

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I played one season of baseball in middle school. I was hit by the pitcher like a dozen times. I had a few bunt singles. I had over 20 steals. I hit an inside the park home run on my last at bat ever. I played football the next year then stopped playing sports. Fun times!

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I’m not allowed to have pets in my apartment, so meet Roscoe, the best and goodest boy there is. He lives in LA with my friends. I hope to see them all again soon.

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The best thing about fog is when it lifts.

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I’ve been feeling directionless lately, like a boat adrift at sea, but every time I look up at the moon, I feel comforted. Phenology, or paying attention to nature’s rhythms, is a word I learned last year, and it, like the moon, has become my lodestar in troubled times.

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I try to be stoic with most things in life, as in, I try to only focus on the things I can actually control, but goddamn, sometimes life just wears me down so much. I was feeling down already this week, but then the universe just piles on more shit and more shit that it feels like the universe is just having a laugh at my expense now.

But what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger, right?

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Morning beverage

I prefer coffee but creek water works, too, I guess.

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