Mario Villalobos


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If I had to guess the ratio of caffeine to blood coursing through my body, I’d say it’s about 50/50.

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Good morning!

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Coming from California, I never had to worry about not wearing enough warm clothes. Living in Montana, I’ve learned the value of a warm jacket and some tough boots.

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Instead of trying to figure out what to say next, I need to learn patience and the beauty of silence.

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Ever since I was a kid I’ve wondered what it would be like to be elderly, to be lying on my death bed and looking back on my life. Would I be proud of the life I’ve lived? How can I live life now to make that last day special?

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The best times of my life are when I let go and go with the flow rather than forcing things to go a certain way. This year has taught me that more than any other. Just let go and ride the wave.

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I spent some time tweaking a few aspects of my website that make me love my blog that much more. I wish I knew more about CSS and whatnot, but I’m happy with the result as of today.

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I felt like the whole world bounded together in unity yesterday, and I felt so good joy-scrolling instead of doomscrolling for the first time in four years.

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I wonder how many balloons get inflated every election season and how many bring more sorrow than joy.

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