Mario Villalobos


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September 2017. Fires are sometimes located deep inside the forests and the mountain roads that lead to them are rocky and rough. I drove a Ford F-250 with five other firefighters when I blew this tire and didn’t know it. It was my first flat tire and a good memory.

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I love HIIT workouts. I love the fast-pace and the buckets of sweat. In school, I ran the 100, 200, and 400-yard dash. I wasn’t the fastest and I didn’t break any records, but I loved it all nonetheless.

Over the weekend I had some weird dreams. Checked the Health app and saw this:

My resting has been in the mid-40s for years, but I’ve never seen it go down to 34 bpm. That’s crazy! Okay, time for some yoga.

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I decided to fully test out Apple Fitness+ this week. On Monday and Tuesday, I did two 30-minute HIIT workouts and felt great after each one, but today I’m sore as hell. I think today will be a good day to try a yoga session before finishing the week with two more HIIT workouts.

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Summer of 2015. We were staged in a valley a few miles from the fire while we watched the lightning storm roll in and light up the sky. Many fires are started by lightning strikes, and this one was no different. It doesn’t take much to burn thousands of acres.

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Whenever one of our teachers misbehave, we dump a bucket of ice cold water on them. This is normal life in Montana.

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I hope to keep posting my love of leaves without shame in the years to come.

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I’ve been vegan going on five years now, but the one exception I make is sushi. There’s something about raw fish that gets me going, you know? To satisfy some of the cravings I get from it, I learned to make vegan sushi, and it’s really hard yet really fun to make.

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I played one season of baseball in middle school. I was hit by the pitcher like a dozen times. I had a few bunt singles. I had over 20 steals. I hit an inside the park home run on my last at bat ever. I played football the next year then stopped playing sports. Fun times!

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I’m not allowed to have pets in my apartment, so meet Roscoe, the best and goodest boy there is. He lives in LA with my friends. I hope to see them all again soon.

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The best thing about fog is when it lifts.

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