Mario Villalobos


My Second Brain

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I finally updated the look of my tags on my archive page. I broke it out of the <details> tag, added counts, and put it all in a grid. This really helps me get a nice overall picture of what tags I’ve used and what I like to write about. I’ve been slowly going back and updating tags on my previous posts, and even though I still have lots more I want to do, I’m really happy with my output so far. My website really has become my second brain, and I’m having a lot of fun blogging, more fun than I’ve ever had online before.

Some of My Favorite Haikyu!! Panels From the First 140+ Issues

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Unsurprisingly, Haikyu!! is one of the best manga’s I’ve ever read, and like I did with Demon Slayer, I sometimes take screenshots of panels and sequences I like, and because Haikyu!! is a very very funny manga, most of the ones I liked made me laugh, but the story can also be heartbreaking in its beauty.

Warning: spoilers.

One of my favorites is this sketch of Asahi, Sugawara, and Daichi. They’re third year students at Karasuno, and most likely, this is the last time they will ever play volleyball on a team together. I just found this moment, this simple sketch, to be so touching and tragic that it might be one of my favorite pieces of art I’ve ever seen. It’s just beautiful. Haruichi Furudate, the creator, is a great artist.


The Humor

This little sequence made me laugh out loud. It shows who Hinata is without telling us. Yeah yeah, this isn’t unique or anything—I’ve also seen it in cartoons and sitcoms—but it’s still funny, especially because of Tanaka. Poor Tanaka.

This is only funny because Haruichi emphasized this little moment at the end of the issue, and I just had to go back and revisit the panel. I’m still laughing looking at it.

And this is just Tanaka being silly.

“Summer is too hot. Winter is too cold.” The eternal struggle!

How does one talk to girls? I’m still trying to figure that out.

I really don’t want to know why her stamina is maxed out…

Always Fighting!

Because this is a sports manga, there are just moments that pump me up so much. I used to play sports in middle school and high school, and I remember the motivational speeches and the great plays me or my teammates made, and how awesome that all felt. Those emotions all came back while reading through this series. It makes me want to consider coaching again…

Always always push yourself. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Have confidence in yourself.

“If you’re hungry, do you really need a reason to go eat?” So good!

These are all just panels of Hinata and Kageyama’s competitive spirit and drive. They’re super inspiring.

And this was just a great moment.

The Woes of Getting Old

The following panels made me both laugh and cry.

Drinking is just too good to give up. I have also said “Kids these days” more than once. But I like saying it because it makes me laugh.

Me too, brother, me too.

Stop rubbing it in.

This has happened to me before, and I died a little inside.

I still have hundreds and hundreds of more issues to read of Haikyu!! and I’m looking forward to every one of them. I might do one or two more of these because I like doing this. It gives me something more to do while reading. Also, it’s fun.

Alison Pollack Shoots Incredible Macro Photos

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Grace Ebert, Colossal:

Although her earlier images captured the fleshy fungi in spectacular detail, Pollack has spent the last two years getting even closer to her subjects—which are often less than a millimeter tall—by using a combination of a microscope and macro lens that magnify her findings up to 10 times their actual size. The resulting images document even the smallest features, like individual spores, the veiny web structure encasing them, and the distinct texture and color of each organism.

Her photos are incredible. I would love to see her work in real life to see how she does this.

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A photo I couldn’t quite fit into last week’s journal entry. I’m itching to go back out there but the weather has been bleh lately.

A New Dragon Ball Super Movie Is Coming in 2022

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Austen Goslin, Polygon:

Dragon Ball Super is getting its second ever movie sometime next year, Toei Animation announced on Saturday. The announcement of the new movie came on Goku Day — May 9 because the Japanese character for five and nine can be read similarly to the character’s name — which serves as a celebration day for the entire Dragon Ball universe.

Dragon Ball is the anime that got me into anime. A few years ago, I binged through every Dragon Ball series, so of course I’m stoked for this.

But what I didn’t know is that May 9th is Goku day. According to the official Dragon Ball website:

Goku Day is an official anniversary certified and registered by the Japanese Anniversary Association1. Why May 9th? Well, since in Japan the date is written in the order 5/9, and because 5 and 9 can be read as “Go” and “Ku”, the numbers combine to make Goku’s Japanese kanji! Thus, May 9th became Goku Day!

I much prefer this holiday over May 4th, but that’s mostly because I didn’t grow up with Star Wars like many people around me did. And 五 (go) and 九 (ku) is just cool.

Funny story: I studied screenwriting at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, and we had most of our classes in a building named after George Lucas, and it wasn’t until my freshman year when I finally watched my first Star Wars movie. Yeah, that was awkward! I’m a fan now, though.

  1. I really love that it’s a certified and registered anniversary. ↩︎

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I finally found a reason to use Font Awesome on my site: for my link posts. I added a nice link icon that helps me spot them on my site quicker. I also went back and updated some of my older posts with the new layout, and I dunno, I like it!

Update 5/10/21: Just kidding! I didn’t like how it took half a second to load the icon, so I’m using ainstead. You know, because it’s the same thing as a bookmark, and definitely not like that other guy.

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I finally got around to watching Tenet tonight, and… why does my head hurt so much? But also, why do I feel so invigorated?

Some Housekeeping

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I removed all of my reading posts from my site. I felt like they cluttered up my stream, and I didn’t feel like they added value. I still have my reading page, though, that I’ll keep updating as I continue to read books. I also removed Cloudflare’s analytics script and my webmentions endpoint. I also didn’t think they added value, and, in some ways, felt like a distraction more than anything. I prefer the quiet.

All the Music I Bought on Bandcamp Friday

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The album that reminded me it was Bandcamp Friday. I have not listened to this yet, but who doesn’t love Death Cab for Cutie?

Edit: Oops, I didn’t realize the album would only be available on Friday.

I love the vibes of this album. Also, I’m completely in love with Light in the Attic Records. Their releases of Hiroshi Yoshimura’s GREEN and Music for Nine Post Cards changed my life. Highly Recommended.

I listened to this record for the first time earlier this week after reading through Pitchfork’s review of Patience by Mannequin Pussy, and oh my god did this album just punch me in the face with its ridiculous awesomeness. Such a good record.

I think I discovered haircuts for men by tag hopping through Bandcamp one lonely night, and I’m glad I did because I’m now a lifelong fan. His music is just cool, a soundtrack to a life I wish I lived.

I think I also discovered Doon Kanda by tag hopping through Bandcamp one night, and I’m forever grateful I did. Like one reviewer says about his music: “This is the music that comes on when you’re about to get stabbed in the back at an abandoned amusement park.” Couldn’t agree more.

I’m a big fan of synthwave, outerwave, and music that leans heavily on 80s nostalgia, so the Motion Epic was a no brain purchase for me. I was binging through their first two albums when I grew curious to see if they had anything new out. They’re selling this album of remixes for just a $1, so this was an obvious choice. So good.

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