Dance Like Nobody’s Watching
- Notes
I have a secret.
Sometimes, when I’m listening to music, and I’m really feeling the sound, I like to dance.
Not full-on dancing or anything—just a shake of the hips here, a rocking of my shoulders there.
I like to dance when I’m cooking dinner or when I’m cleaning the house. Sometimes I like to dance when I’m driving. Again, not full-on dancing, but you know, what I can. Head bobbing, foot tapping, hand drumming on the steering wheel.
I like to sing to my favorite songs. I cannot sing, but who cares? I’m not belting out lyrics as loud as I can. I sing at a somewhat normal volume. Well, it’s more like singing a word or a phrase here, then mumbling a good chunk of the song, then going back to singing the few words I know. I’m good with choruses. Sometimes I make robot noises when I’m listening to electronic music.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who does this.
In my head, I’m a good dancer. No, I’m a great dancer. The best dancer this side of the Mississippi. Natural talent, I tell myself. That’s what I have. And when I sing in the shower? Oh man! The next big thing right here.
But I know that’s all in my head. I don’t care. Dancing and singing makes me feel good. Dancing and singing makes me happy. Dancing and singing makes me feel alive.
Dancing or singing in front of people, though? No way! I can’t do it. I can’t shake my hips in front of my friends. I can’t sing karaoke in front of complete strangers. Well… load me up on shots of bad vodka and I’m backing my ass up all night long! I’m blowing my voice out singing the lyrics to All the Small Things. I’m waking up the next morning with a sore throat and a throbbing headache.
But I’m happy because I sang and I danced to some good tunes, and good tunes make life worth living.
So—dance like nobody’s watching. Sing like no one else exists. Because sometimes we all need to be reminded to have fun and to not take everything so seriously.
I know I do.