I Made Ice Cream
That right there is my first attempt at making Paleo-approved banana strawberry ice cream, and it was delicious. The only ingredients were organic bananas, strawberries, coconut milk, and vanilla extract. I added them all into my food processor (!!), blended them for a few minutes, and presto blamo, ice cream. It was, I have to say, really really good. It tasted nothing like ice cream, but it was still really good. It was more like a thick smoothie, a bit sweeter, and with a fluffy texture that was really interesting and attractive. It made more than I wanted to eat in one sitting, so I have more chilling in the freezer for tomorrow. That’s so awesome.
I also made some paleo salsa, but it didn’t turn out as good as I would have hoped. The recipe only asked for two jalapeños, and I don’t know if it was because I chose two very mild tasting jalapeños or that two jalapeños just aren’t enough heat for me, but the salsa wasn’t spicy at all. It smells great, and it tastes good and I can’t wait to try it on my eggs tomorrow, but I know I’m going to have to modify the recipe next time I make it. I love my salsa’s hot and spicy, and this wasn’t it. I did use scallions and whole garlic cloves for the first time in my life, though, so that’s some great experience I’m going to cherish for a while.
I had fun making this stuff today, and using and learning my food processor, and I really can’t wait to do more. I think I’m going to give in and buy a few more tools that I want, like a grater and a julienne peeler. I want to make gluten-free spaghetti out of squash or cucumbers. I really want to cook every recipe from one of my cookbooks just to see what that’s like and to improve my culinary abilities. Just seeing that picture of ice cream I made from scratch is inspiring and motivating enough for me to do more. This is fun.
Day 6 of Insanity Max: 30 went well. It was only the 20 minute Pulse workout, which is a slower yet still sweat-inducing workout. The calendar says this workout is optional every Saturday, but I’m glad I did it because it made me sweat, and sweat makes me feel good. And the fact that my fridge is full of fresh food and every time I open the door and smell that mixture of delicious aromas makes me want to take care of myself more. Mind, body, spirit: that’s the goal.
Tomorrow I’m going to try to make cauliflower rice and sweet potato hash. I bought the ingredients today, and I hope to make something completely new. I might also make more ice cream because it’s delicious and I love my desserts after dinner, especially after a hard workout. I fee like I deserve it, and after this week, I think I deserve to do more.