Mario Villalobos

Day 293

It’s hot. I’m in shorts I wear no more than once every few years, and the breeze feels good. I hung up the two poster frames I received yesterday and added the posters to them. The place looks good. I’m now seriously considering buying a TV mount and a TV to hang up on my wall, and it will make what I do the most of — watching TV — much more pleasant. That’s also the perfect reason why I shouldn’t get a TV mount and a TV. I’ve been watching waaaay too much TV lately1 and not enough reading, so my priorities need to change. Maybe I’ll buy a TV in a few months…

I’m still sore but I can feel my body healing. That’s good because I was hoping to reboot my workout regiment on Monday. I’m going to attempt Insanity again, but I’m hoping for a miracle where I find something else to do by then, but I doubt it. I haven’t weighed myself in weeks, and I’m afraid I’ve gained ten pounds or something. I’ve also completely abandoned by Paleo-centric diet, allowing bagels and beans and spaghetti into my diet like it was normal. The summer makes me lazy. Maybe it’s the heat…

It’s funny to think back at how productive I used to be. I used to have every minute of every day scheduled with something to do, and now I’m just doing what I feel like, and it seems like I’m at the same level of happiness regardless. What does that tell me? I don’t know exactly. I can’t trust myself? Maybe there’s more to life than work? More to life than having fun? That I need to strike some fucking balance?

Life is hard, and life is short, and life is ridiculous.

  1. I finished both seven seasons of the Gilmore Girls and six of Parenthood ↩︎