More of the same today. Scratch that. I worked a lot in OmniFocus today, actually, and I converted a lot of stale Someday/Maybe items into actual projects that I intend to work on and actually get done within the coming weeks and months. I’ve had “Travel the world” on there for who knows how long, and now I’m going to hunker down and see how I can check this project off. Of course, I’m going to have to break it down into smaller and doable tasks, but that’s the exciting part. I’m also breaking up my super long wish list into their own projects or adding them into other projects. For some projects, I’m going to need to buy stuff to help me get them done, and it’s super nice and convenient to see these items grouped within the project instead of a catch-all list. This is all an attempt to re-organize my life in an attempt to contain all those sand-slipping-through-the-cracks projects and tasks.
I’ve been splurging and having fun and it’s really fun. I’m refocusing a lot of my weekend tasks and converting them into weekday tasks so I can truly have my weekends to myself. I like not being beholden to anything during the weekends, and I think this is a necessary first step toward actually living my life in a fun and interesting way. Slow and steady wins, after all. Again, I’ve been spending a lot of the day watching Gilmore Girls, but when I haven’t been, I’ve been drinking or trying to get some work done because I knew it would have felt good. And it did! Tomorrow I’m going to finally (!!!) subscribe to the New Yorker because it’s $6 for a 12 week subscription (with a valid .edu email address, which I have!), and I’m going to incorporate that into my routine somehow. Getting it read and whatnot. I’m considering — considering! — cutting my writing task in the morning and instead focusing more on reading. I enjoy writing later in the day, and I simply might do it then. I’ll see, though. Scientific method is on the mind.
I’m cutting back on subscriptions to help me save some money. I’m going to spend a lot of money this month on firefighting gear, and I know I can’t be living the way I’ve been living and expect to pay off my debts in a timely manner. I really want that Goruck 2 backpack because it’s perfect for both firefighting and general travel, and read the first paragraph as to why the latter reason is important and attractive to me. I’m frustrated and sad with my life and I know I can do a lot better and I’m almost 30 and I need to grab life by the balls and get what I want. It’s hard hard hard, but it’ll be worth it if I just keep my feet moving and check off all those tasks from OmniFocus. Because the life I want is right there for the taking. I just gotta want it badly enough, and I do.