Mad Max
After 250 days, I’m going to give myself permission to slow down and not write 500 words an entry every night. Tonight will be one of those nights. I just came back from watching the new Mad Max movie, and I thought it was amazing. George Miller’s visual style and kinetic editing is so interesting and entertaining that I loved the movie more than I thought I would. I knew I was going into a nice summer popcorn movie, and that’s what I wanted today, but he took it to a whole other level I wasn’t expecting. Highly recommended if you haven’t seen it yet.
I bought more beer today, and I didn’t work out today. I bought beer, and I’ve been drinking beer since coming home from work, and all I want to do right now is play some video games. I don’t know what exactly is happening to me, but I know I just want to relax and have some fun. So that’s what I’m going to do. Good night everyone!