Getting Ready for My Road Trip
On October 1st, I began the Insanity: the Asylum Volume 1 workout. By the end of October, I completed the program, took a day off, and began my next workout: the Insanity/Insanity: the Asylum Volume 1 Hybrid workout. By the end of November, I finished that workout and set my sights on another challenge: the Insanity: the Asylum Volume 2 workout. Today I finished this workout. Instead of immediately starting my next workout, which is going to be the 60 day Insanity Max: 30 workout followed by the 60 day Insanity Volumes 1 & 2 Hybrid workout, I’m taking a week off. Tomorrow I drive down to California to spend the New Years with my family, and I won’t return until sometime next weekend. I hope to return with the rest of my stuff — books, DVDs, miscellaneous items — along with some much needed furniture. I’ve never driven this far and this long before, so I’m nervous about how I’ll react to this trip, but I honestly think I’ll be fine. It’s kind of like pre-game jitters, I guess.
I’ve been thinking about this trip all day today, and some of the things that worried me a few weeks ago don’t anymore. I was worried that I may not have the time or energy to keep updating my blog on a daily basis, even though my goal since day 1 was to write daily for a full year. I now don’t think that’s going to be a problem. I’m bringing my MacBook Air on this trip, and all I have to do is either pull over, pull my laptop out, and start writing, or I could stop for some food somewhere, bring my laptop, and start writing there. While in California, I could easily set aside 30-60 minutes to write. I’ll be with family, not in jail. Another thing that worried me was maintaining my habits and routines. I won’t be working out by design, so that’s something I don’t have to worry about. I may have to break my diet, but that’ll be okay since 100% of what I will eat won’t be terrible food. Some to most of what I will eat will be stuff I’d eat regardless. The rest, though, is what worried me, and thankfully, I have OmniFocus to help me with that.
In OmniFocus, I have eight contexts. They are: Morning routine, Nightly routine, Focus, Home, Tech, Errands, Work, and Waiting. The only contexts I’ll be focusing on during this trip will be my Morning and Nightly routines. Everything else I’ll defer to a week later, since that’s when I’ll be back home. The big tasks in each of my routine contexts are my writing tasks. Every morning I write my novel, and every night I write my blog entry. The rest of my routines are simple and I can easily do them every day I’m in California. And since I have to and I love writing, I will find the time to write. If that means slinking away into my car and hiding out there for an hour in the morning and at night, then so be it. It has to happen, so it’s going to happen. Other than that? I’m on vacation, so I’m going to relax and have some fun. That’s the whole point, right?
Here’s a promise to you guys: I’ll see you back here in 24 hours. I’ll be on the road somewhere in America with a story to tell, and you guys will be the first to hear it. Failure is not an option here, so I’ll see you guys tomorrow.