Mario Villalobos


Honestly, I’m tired.

I didn’t work out again, but I kind of let that burden go today. I’ve mentioned before that I was going to do the Insanity/Insanity: the Asylum hybrid workout on the first of October, but I didn’t foresee a few things when I made that declaration. One thing that’s making my fatigue worse after work is that I don’t eat lunch. I haven’t had a chance to come up with a good lunch for me to eat while I’m at work, and I don’t want to eat the lunches school cafeteria provides, for obvious reasons. And, to be frank, for the most part, I’ve been too busy to even think about feeding myself. That’s a good thing, I think.

I’ve never had a job that’s given me so much freedom to do what I want, however I want. I’m the only tech guy at this school, so I’m in charge of everything tech related. That’s both exhilarating and stressful. Even if this is not expected of me, I want to know everything about everything they have and use. They use this service online called Infinite Campus, and I spent most of today (by that I mean a good six to seven hours) learning a lot about it to the point where I have a firm grasp on it. I e-mailed the entire staff and told them so, asking them to contact me if they needed any help. Immediately I received e-mails from a few teachers and staff asking me to do things I had no idea how to do yesterday. But now I do, and it was fun.

One of the bigger projects I’ve been thrust into has been to update all the iPads and iPod touches to iOS 8, configuring all the devices with the required apps and permissions. I’ve never done this, but I quickly learned how to do it. It’s not that difficult. Unfortunately, to do this, we need to use a Mac. I’m an Apple person, so this is awesome, except, remember those vandals? Yeah, they destroyed one of the two MacBook Air’s the school owned. With just one laptop, we tried to use the MacBook (which hasn’t been used in over a year) and install all the updates, to get it ready for when we need to deploy iOS 8 to the iOS devices. I tried to do that but I didn’t have the password for the login. I gave it to one of the teachers, who had a list of usernames and passwords, and apparently, the last tech guy changed these passwords, so no one could get into the laptops. So I was called in. I tried a few passwords, but none of them worked. So while a few teachers were trying to come up with solutions on their own, I rebooted the Mac, logged on to the recovery partition, opened terminal, reset the password to the account, changed the password to the one on the sheet, logged back into the startup drive, logged in with the new password, and dramatically showed the teachers the desktop. It was awesome.

Where am I going with this? I’m not sure. Those were just the highlights from my day. Pretty boring, no? C’est la vie.